2023-24 SPONSORS



​silver lEVEL

2019 Grant Awards 


Boone Elementary, 3rd Grade Reading Classroom Library Expansion - $2,130
Ms. Alicia Evans is expanding the 3rd-grade reading classroom library to provide a large variety of high-interest fiction and nonfiction books that students can use with reading workshop curriculum. Hundreds of books will be added for all 3rd graders at Boone Elementary to access. This grant will provide books for students that will ignite their love for reading.

Troy Buchanan High School Library –– 3 grants totaling $7,284
Nonfiction Collection, Classic Literature Collection, and Library Collaborative Space

Ms. Amy Veneman, librarian, is updating the library with 125 new, high-interest non-fiction books, 172 classic literature books, a new collaborative work area.  Non-fiction titles will include topics in history, science, theater, current events, and computer science. Classic literature titles will improve students' critical thinking skills, vocabulary growth, and reading comprehension, as well as support suggested college reading lists. Classroom teachers will utilize these selections to enhance the curriculum in their classrooms. The new space will be cozy and help students break away from their otherwise structured day. It will cultivate a love of reading and learning, which in turn fosters creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.

William Cappel Elem. – Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Collections – 4 grants totaling $7,025
Ms. Sarah Hines and Ms. Kristi Garland, Title 1 Reading Specialists, are adding hundreds of books to their resources to instruct emerging readers.  They will be receiving Fountas and Pinnell First Grade Guided Reading Collections 1 and 2, and Kindergarten Guided Reading Collections 1 – 4. These grants would ensure that there are adequate materials with high quality, engaging text, to provide to students kindergarten through second grade.

Main Street Elementary– Science and Social Studies Reading –  2 grants totaling $4,558
Ms. Stephanie Harris, Ms. Chris Nebel, Ms. Michelle Pruitt, and Ms. Melissa Sabinski were awarded two grants to integrate what their first graders are learning in science and social studies into their reading block.  Each first-grade classroom will receive over eighty books that focus on first grade Science and Social Studies standards.

Troy Middle School– Play-A-Ways - Library Books with Audio MP3– $2470
Ms. Rebecca Williams, librarian, was awarded a grant to purchase 56 Play-A-Ways, preloaded MP3 players that are paired with a book. Play-A-Ways provide differentiated access to library books. They provide a simple way for emerging and struggling readers, auditory and special education learners, and English as a Second Language patrons to develop and build on literacy skills. Play-A-Ways help readers improve reading comprehension and retention, expand vocabulary, and build phonemic awareness and fluency.


Claude Brown Elementary – PLTW Launch Expansion - $2,212
Ms. Ashley Mudd, Ms. Andrea Graviett, and Ms. Lizzy Riechers were awarded a grant to implement PLTW curriculum at the 3rd-grade level. The grant will provide kits for flight, forces, robotics, traits, and programming. Nothing is more powerful than students deeply engaged and loving what they are learning!

Cuivre Park Elementary– PLTW Launch Refills–$1,508
Ms. Becky Thornhill was awarded a grant to refill her PLTW Launch kits so that students could continue hands-on learning.  Thirteen modules will be refilled including Design (K), Pushes and Pulls (K), the Human Body (K), Light and Sound (1st), Sun, Moon, and Stars (1st), Animal Adaptions (1st), Form and Function (2nd), Matter (2nd), Flight (3rd), Traits (3rd), Conversion (4th), Human Brain (4th), and Infection Detection (5th). Project Lead the Way curriculum is rich with project-based experiences that captivate students in a way that excites and challenges their thinking!

Ninth Grade Center – PLTW Biomedical Science Lab Equipment–  $2,061
Ms. Ashley Weber will receive a centrifuge and additional sensors, monitors, probes, and kits to allow for small lab groups and more hands-on opportunities for students. The lab equipment helps students solve real-world biomedical issues while staying up-to-date with hands-on technology, enabling them to further their education.


Troy Buchanan High School – National Restaurant Association ProStart Program - 3 grants totaling $5,484
Ms. Andrea Tarro has been awarded 3 grants to purchase professional cooking equipment, small wares, catering consumables, and sanitary equipment to complete the design of a new culinary classroom. In ProStart, students will be engaged in authentic culinary experiences with the equipment purchased through these LCR3EF Grants. The items received allow students to use more relevant tools to the industry and provide them with opportunities to master cooking. Not only are students learning about the equipment and the restaurant industry, but students are also learning the soft skills necessary to be successful in any career. ProStart is an upper-level course with curriculum provided by the National Restaurant Association that focuses on the art of cooking and restaurant management.

Troy Buchanan High School – FFA TABLE (Troy AgriBusiness Leadership Experience) - 2 grants totaling $4,980
Ms. Elizabeth Utterback, Mr. Rob Calvin, and Mr. Matt McCrory have been awarded 2 grants to support the FFA TABLE experience for agriculture students. The Troy Agribusiness Leadership Experience is an innovative effort to expose students to numerous agricultural career opportunities near our community and help create a prospective network of industry professionals for the future. During the two-day trip to St. Louis, thirty students meet with eight different agribusinesses, each in a different career pathway.

Troy Buchanan High School – Child Development Preschool, Teaching Projector System - $2500
Ms. Robin Engle has been awarded a grant to purchase an Epson whiteboard and projector for the Child Development Preschool. These tools will allow for the high school students to better demonstrate their knowledge as they teach in the preschool. The preschoolers in the program will be able to utilize the tools to expand their learning as well. From interacting with our pen pals around the world to having hands-on learning; technology will expand our ability to teach both high school and preschool children.


Troy Middle School – Non-traditional Game Equipment - $2,443
Ms. Krista Saxe was awarded this grant to introduced students to several non-traditional games as a way to get their students actively engaged in physical education. Students will have an outstanding year of physical education with the addition of new golf equipment, a curling set, geocaching, and more.  All students will find an activity that gets them excited about being active now and in their future.

Troy Middle School – Health Education Aides - $2,449
This grant, written by Ms. Krista Saxe, will bring the health curriculum to life at TMS with the addition of several visual aids and life-size models. Students will be more engaged and have hands-on opportunities in the lessons that have been designed for their new active health classes.  Students will practice CPR skills with a mannequin, see how body systems work, and much more.


Troy Buchanan High School – Flexible Seating, Foreign Language - $1604
Ms. Katelyn Pletcher, French teacher, is reducing anxiety and increasing choice for her students with flexible classroom seating. Students in TBHS French classes will now have a choice of seating that works best for their individualized needs, including gliding chairs and kitchen tables as well as traditional desks.  These new seating options will encourage community-building through the increased and intentional emphasis on communication and collaboration.

Troy Middle School – VEX Robotics Parts Shelving –  $642
Dr. Amy Spears was awarded a grant for mobile shelves with bins and organizers for her VEX Robotics parts and equipment.  The mobility of this shelving allows flexibility for better use of classroom space for all grade engineering classes and more efficient use of time and materials.

Troy South Middle School – Flexible Seating, English –  $1718
Ms. Heather Dildine and Ms. Stephanie Helfer have been awarded a grant for 16 yoga ball chairs to complement the flexible seat in their classrooms. This seating will improve student attention, behavior, and academics.


Early Childhood Education Center – Parents as Teachers, Group Connections  -  $2500
With the support of a grant written by Ms. Rebekah Ellis, Lincoln County R-III Parents as Teachers will be able to provide monthly parenting groups for parents of young children. This will support them in all areas of parenting and child development.


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